Getting Tested in Fort Worth
here’s no denying COVID-19 is the health crisis in everyone’s minds right now, but that doesn’t mean other health-related issues have been put on hold. HIV is a key example. Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of contracting HIV and dealing with the resulting health effects. We’ve written before about the importance of HIV testing in Fort Worth, but COVID-19 may have upended many of the normal testing procedures. Many medical professionals have either temporarily closed their operations or stuck with telemedicine until lockdown restrictions are lifted. Some may stay locked down even longer to protect at risk-patients. Other settings …
Take Pride In Getting Tested!
June is a special month for the LGBTQ community. Known as Pride Month, celebrations take place across the world to celebrate the community as well as its contributions to the world. However, another important day in June that doesn’t get as much attention is National HIV Testing Day, on June 27th. While HIV can impact anyone, it’s a disease that has special meaning for the LGBTQ community. So, while many people are preparing their celebrations for June, it’s also important to remember National HIV Testing Day. Why Is Testing Important? What are some of the main reasons that all sexually active people …
What’s the Best Protection?
Contraceptives are one of the biggest tools that the sexually active have if they want to reduce their chances of contracting an STD or unwanted pregnancy. However, there are a lot of different contraceptive options out there, many of them designed for different purposes and preferences. Because of this, each of them has different pros and cons, and people must understand each of them. Assuming that one method of contraception will provide full coverage when it doesn’t could cause significant issues for you down the line. Here’s the rundown of your different options. Condoms (Male) The largest benefit when it …
Why Catching HIV Early is Vital
May 18th marks HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, and across the world, this is generally used as a time to thank healthcare workers, community members, and activists alike for their work to try and find an HIV vaccine. At the same time, it serves as a great opportunity to promote the importance of preventative HIV research. Contrary to popular belief, HIV does not “ruin” one’s life. It is a significant change, yes, but even without a vaccine, there are a lot of treatments available to help give those with HIV a chance at a normal life. However, the sooner you use them, …
Struggles of University Minorities
Statistically speaking, more people are graduating high school and going to college than ever. At the same time, the percentage of minorities in the country is growing. However, these trends aren’t necessarily intertwining in the way we hoped. There are a lot of issues that are keeping minorities from getting access to the education they are looking for and even hampering their college experience when they are there. Let’s take a closer look at these issues and exactly what they entail. Common Issues So, what are some of the significant issues that are impacting minorities in university settings? Financial Issues: …
Transgender HIV Testing Day
April 18th officially marks Transgender HIV Testing Day, an important day for the roughly 1.6 million members of the transgender community in the U.S., and the millions more globally. HIV is particularly important for the transgender community, both due to issues the community has with contraction as well as treatment. This article will bring up some of these facts and some of the resources available for trans people that need testing. There are a few reasons for this. One is the fact that many trans women may have a higher likelihood of being driven to high-risk behavior due to societal pressures. These include injection drug …
The Unseen Effects of Drugs and Alcohol Abuse
In recent years, substance abuse of drugs or alcohol has grown by a notable (and scary) amount. Statistics show that 19.7 million different Americans aged 12 and older grappled with some substance abuse disorder in 2017. Almost 74% of that population is dealing with alcohol abuse vs. drugs, and 1 in 8 are abusing both substances simultaneously. While there are some surface effects of drug/alcohol abuse that are obvious to the eye, there are also a lot of unseen effects that get missed, but still, have a pronounced impact. Here’s a closer look at some of the more surprising ways that substance …
Love Is For Everyone
Not only is there a sizable population of LGBTQ people in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, but it is also known as one of the most prominent American cities in terms of LGBTQ support and resources. It is also home to some of the most recognizable nightlife spots around. Let’s take a closer look at the history of the LGBTQ community in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, as well as some of the critical resources that are available. What Is “Y’all Means All?” If you’ve ever walked around Fort Worth, especially in some of the more touristy areas, you might have seen a shirt, …
Top 6 College Party Warning Signs
For many college students, partying and having a good time is seen as part of the experience. While this can certainly be true, there are a variety of different sobering statistics you should keep in mind: Roughly 1,825 students die each year in unintended alcohol-related accidents, with almost another 600,000 being seriously injured. 400,000 students report having unprotected sex while under the influence. 97,000 students report being a victim of alcohol-induced sexual assault or rape. These statistics don’t necessarily mean you need to abandon the idea of college parties forever. However, the combination of “binge drinking” and lowered inhibitions puts your safety …