How to Find Love In College
College is the place where young minds go to receive higher education in preparation for landing their dream jobs. However, multiple studies have been done which reveal that many people have an alternative motivation for going to college. As it turns out, 63 percent of female college students have stated they want to meet their future spouse while attending college. Unfortunately, with the popularity of things like hookup culture, it is becoming increasingly harder to maintain a healthy long-term romantic relationship. That does not mean all hope is lost though. By following these helpful tips, students can improve the odds of maintaining …
Drinking Your Way to Bad Decisions
It should come as no surprise that this country has developed a close relationship with alcohol. Besides a brief period in the 1920s when prohibition was enforced, alcohol has been around and freely enjoyed for centuries. It was so important to us as a culture that even during the middle of prohibition when there were severe penalties for making and distributing alcohol, thousands of people around the country continued to do it and millions more continued to drink it in secrecy. Not many other things have quite this significant of an influence over people, which is likely why over 70% of all …
Dating With Disease: Having a Partner With Hepatitis
The thought of dating someone who has a disease might be extremely unnerving to some people. However, it is important to understand not all diseases are made equal. Even the many strains of a disease are far different from each other. For example, the different types of hepatitis vary greatly from each other in many ways. That is why individuals should take the time to educate themselves on the specifics of each type of hepatitis and what it means to date someone who has them. Here is an in-depth guide of everything you need to know about having a partner …
Hookup Without Messing Your Life Up
It seems like everywhere you look nowadays there is some reference to your casual sex or what is commonly known as hookup culture. Some people view it as just the latest trend in sex, while others see it as a direct attack on the healthy sexual relations of Americans, especially teenagers and people in their early 20s. But what exactly is hookup culture and how does it affect the average American? These are things that this article plans to explore as it dives into what hookup culture is and what it can lead to. What Is Hookup Culture? Hookup culture has been …
Under the Influence
Drug use has been a rampant issue in this country long before the 1980s and, unfortunately, it is still a very real problem today. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 28 million Americans use some illicit drugs. This statistic does not even include marijuana, which is still recreationally illegal in many states as well as federally. That’s a lot of people who are regularly putting themselves directly in the path of consequences that could ruin their lives. Many people do not know the full scope of the risks that are associated with taking drugs. It goes far beyond the …
This is Your Brain on Sex
The scientific community loves to talk about how drug use affects people’s brains but not nearly enough of them talk about how sex affects it. So much of what many people think they know about sex actually turns out to be false. That is why it is so important that more reputable sources start openly talking about how thinking about sex and having sex impacts your brain. After all, sex is not some taboo thing that no one does and should talk about. In fact, it is reported that by age 45, men have had an average of 19 sexual partners, with …
4 Tips to Stay Safe on Spring Break 2019
Let’s be honest, Spring Break is one big party. A giant, loud, week-long, raging party. It doesn’t matter if you’re at the beach, the mountains, or taking a staycation there’s always a good chance of booze and dancing and during this party “It Gets Real”! Spring break brings a spike in arrests, hospital visits, and even deaths. So we put together a list to keep yourself, your stuff, and the people around you safe during the week-long rager. Here are the Top 4 things you need to know to have a safe Spring Break based on the biggest complaints of most …
What Your Partner Might Not Be Telling You
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are on the rise. This is not up for debate or an assumption, it is a cold, hard, and terrifying truth. Whether you want to face the facts or not doesn’t really matter because either way, a quarter of all Americans are currently living with an incurable STD. To put this into perspective, if you are sitting in your class or attending a meeting and there are 20 people in the room, then statistically speaking, five of them are actively living with an STD. What is even more terrifying is that a few of them probably don’t even know …
Don’t Let the New Year Bring New Issues
Well, it’s crazy to think that another year has come and gone already, but here we are in 2019! As we look forward to what could be a fantastic year for each and every one of us, it is time to think about how you handle yourself at events like parties. Not knowing how to safely and adequately conduct yourself at an event can be the difference between having a great 2019 and have a dismal one, so be prepared with these helpful tips. Partying With Substances The consumption of alcohol has become so synonymous with parties that it is …