Love Is For Everyone
Not only is there a sizable population of LGBTQ people in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, but it is also known as one of the most prominent American cities in terms of LGBTQ support and resources. It is also home to some of the most recognizable nightlife spots around. Let’s take a closer look at the history of the LGBTQ community in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, as well as some of the critical resources that are available. What Is “Y’all Means All?” If you’ve ever walked around Fort Worth, especially in some of the more touristy areas, you might have seen a shirt, …
Top 6 College Party Warning Signs
For many college students, partying and having a good time is seen as part of the experience. While this can certainly be true, there are a variety of different sobering statistics you should keep in mind: Roughly 1,825 students die each year in unintended alcohol-related accidents, with almost another 600,000 being seriously injured. 400,000 students report having unprotected sex while under the influence. 97,000 students report being a victim of alcohol-induced sexual assault or rape. These statistics don’t necessarily mean you need to abandon the idea of college parties forever. However, the combination of “binge drinking” and lowered inhibitions puts your safety …
Getting Tested in 2020
HIV and STD testing is something that’s often recommended to just about anyone engaging in sexual activity, especially those in high-risk categories like gay/bisexual men, those who have multiple partners, and those that do not use condoms. However, while you may have a lot of resources telling you to get tested, what may be less clear is how you go about actually getting tested. Here’s a starter resource on putting together an HIV/STD testing schedule, as well as where you can go for this testing and some facts about certain diseases on these tests. With approximately 20 million new STD infections …
What is PrEP? 2020 Update
Acting against HIV and AIDS has taken a variety of different forms, from advocacy to promoting safe sex habits, to innovation in the medical world. That last category will be our focus. There may be a chance that you have heard of PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis), a drug that supposedly rapidly minimizes the risk of HIV infections, even in potentially high-risk situations. Here’s a closer look at the supposed miracle drug and its possible applications. Understanding PrEP PrEP is a drug that combines tenofovir and emtricitabine, in conjunction with other medicines to treat HIV. If a person is taking the medication regularly …
Naughty Or Nice
The holiday season is an exciting and enjoyable time for most people, the chance to reconnect with loved ones, and disengage from the stresses of the outside world for a bit. However, there is another side of the holidays that is far less known: indeed, the holiday season the time of year where interest in sex rises the most, based on search terms around this time. Along with this, other services show that the height in sexual activity, along with lack of access to some resources, means that unprotected sex tends to happen more frequently during the holidays. With this, here are some essential …
The Best of World AIDS Day
December 1st, 2019, marked this year’s World AIDS Day. With roughly 37.9 million people living with AIDS worldwide, awareness about the condition, existing treatments, and safe sex practices are more critical than ever. The theme for this year is “Communities Make The Difference.” Here’s a profile of some of the memorable moments and steps that have been taken worldwide during this year’s events. A significant part of World AIDS Day is just people sharing their stories about living with the disease or about people; they know that they have it. Here are some of the notable stories and visuals that have …
What Are You Bringing Home For the Holidays?
Thanksgiving is a very family-oriented holiday, coming second only to Christmas. This is proven by the fact that over 50 million Americans decide to travel somewhere else to spend the holidays with family or friends. A large portion of these Americans happen to be young adults, with approximately 23 percent of all young adults deciding to travel back home for the holidays. This is over twice the number of people in their 40s that decide to go visit family or friends for Thanksgiving. With all of these young adults coming home for the holidays, it is important that they know they are not putting …
Fort Worth Support for HIV & AIDS
The state of Texas is no stranger to the threat of HIV and AIDS. In fact, there are over 86,000 people living in the state of Texas that are currently suffering from HIV or AIDS, with the likelihood that thousands more are wandering around with the disease who do not even know it yet. 7 percent of these cases occur in the city of Fort Worth alone. Luckily, for anyone living in the Fort Worth area that does suffer from HIV or Aids, there are a variety of resources that are readily available to make living with these diseases more manageable. LGBTQ …
Don’t Get Tricked By These Treats
We are now in the season of trick-or-treating, with scares around every corner. But, for many people all over the country, the real scares come in the form of unknown consequences of recreational drugs. Recreational drug use is often a pastime that is intended to be entertaining and relatively harmless when it, in fact, puts the health and safety of the individual at serious risk. This is not something that anyone wants to experience, especially during a time of year that is supposed to be focused on having fun and eating candy. That is why you should read this article …