Embracing Sobriety: A New Year’s Resolution to Quit Drugs and Alcohol
As we usher in the new year, many of us reflect on the past and contemplate resolutions for the future. For some, the journey to a healthier and happier life involves breaking free from the chains of drug and alcohol abuse. Quitting these substances can be an arduous task, but with the right resources and support, it is not only achievable but can also lead to a transformative journey towards sobriety. In this blog, we will explore the significance of resolving to quit drugs and alcohol and provide a list of rehabilitation centers in Tarrant County, specifically in Fort Worth, …
The National Holiday You Should Care About
Since 1995, June 27th has been designated as National HIV Testing Day—NHTD—in the United States. The main objectives of this essential day are to emphasize and encourage people to: Get tested for HIV. Know their HIV status. Get linked to care and treatment services. Why Is This National Day So Important? Early HIV testing is a crucial element in slowing the spread of HIV infection and saving the lives of those who test positive. Unfortunately, many people are unaware that they’ve been infected with HIV and are unlikely to take the necessary precautions that help prevent the spread to others. On the other …
HIV Support Groups in Fort Worth
Support. A small word with so many meanings and implications. It may seem like the whole world is suffering right now, and it can cause feelings of shame and embarrassment for those with existing health conditions who still need support for their challenges. Despite a worldwide pandemic, it’s ok to ask for help, whether that means mental health support or HIV support in Fort Worth. …
Y’all Means All
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), based in Montgomery, Alabama, has launched a new public education campaign to curb the use of the word “y’all” in certain southern states. The campaign, dubbed “Y’all Means All,” is intended to stop some people from using the word “y’all” as a way to exclude the LGBTQ community and other minorities. The word “y’all” is used primarily by white people in the southern United States. The SPLC is worried that y’all could be misinterpreted as a slur against the LGBTQ community when the word “y’all” is actually a contraction of “you” and “all,” giving the term …