Is Drug Overdose a Problem in the U.S.?
According to research, about 5,000 Texans died of an overdose in 2021. In the same year, Texas received 4,000 opioid-related calls, as the Texas Poison Center Network reported, with at least 8,000 opioid-associated emergency room visits in 2020 alone. These stats show that drug overdose is a concerning problem in Texas. The following article discusses this in more detail. The United States is battling a drug crisis. According to analysts, the problem escalated with the overprescription of pain medications. However, the availability of heroin and synthetic opioids such as Fentanyl has escalated the crisis in recent years. Today, it threatens national security and is a burden …
Important Milestones for Addiction Recovery
Though the statistics for individuals suffering from addiction problems are concerning, many tend to overlook favorable statistics that shed light on those who recover from their addiction. According to the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, more than 23.5 million (10 percent of the population) adults are in recovery from alcohol and drug addictions. The numbers have significantly risen in the past few years because of the awareness and resources provided. If you are on the path of recovery like many others, then it is essential to understand how celebrating each milestone would assist you throughout your journey. What Are Some …
Nurturing Your Mental Health Today, Tomorrow, and Years From Now
COVID-19 was not only a physical health crisis for the entire world but also deteriorated most people’s mental health. After all, people lost their lives due to the pandemic, lost their jobs, started schooling at home, and adhered to curfews and quarantines. COVID-19 was overwhelming and stressful for many. However, with things returning to normal over time, there are ways to improve mental health and increase resilience. The following blog discusses the importance of mental health and ways people can work on it. 1. Distance From the News Learning about the world is important. However, staying positive can be challenging …
How much are you really drinking?
This blog aims to help you understand the different types of alcohol and how much you drink. If you look up alcohol consumption guidelines, they will tell you that a “drink” is 12 fluid ounces of beer, five fluid ounces of wine or 1.5 fluid ounces of 80-proof liquor like vodka or rum. But how do we know if every can of beer has the same amount? Is there more to learn? Why do we have alcohol guidelines? There are many reasons folks turn to alcoholic beverages; lately, those reasons appear insurmountable. “Consuming alcohol as part of a balanced lifestyle …
How to be an ally to the LGBTQ community
June is Pride Month, and it is the perfect time for the straight community to celebrate and reacquaint themselves with the LGBTQ community through education. According to a recent CNN article, here are eight suggestions to try. Get familiar with the spectrum. Sexual identity can be confusing, but a good place to start is to know the range of identities on the LGBTQ spectrum. Start with terms like gender fluid, transgender, pansexual, bisexual, asexual, cisgender, intersex, queer, genderqueer. Ask the question. Use the appropriate pronouns by asking your friends how they prefer to identify. This act shows sensitivity and, more importantly, respect. Make a small gesture …
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is just right around the corner, which means mental health awareness month is near. According to recent statistics, about 21 percent of adults in the US experienced some kind of mental illness. This means 1 out of 5 adults in the US are fighting various mental issues. However, less than 50 percent of these adults receive proper treatment. And if this isn’t enough to show why talking about mental health is so important, it is critical to note that deteriorating mental health comes with a ripple effect. For instance, people who undergo depression have a 40 percent higher risk of developing metabolic …
The Effects of HIV Stigma and Discrimination
Today approximately 1.2 Americans are living with HIV. Luckily due to advances in medicines and treatments, HIV does not have to be the death sentence it once was, nor does it have to progress to AIDS. However, of those 1.2 Americans living with HIV, 13% of them are infected with the virus and do not know it. There has been a decline in transmission over the last few decades, and based on this, we know that education and safe sex practices work to stop the spread. By 2022 we will be more than accustomed to living with viruses in our midst. As …
5 Dating Apps for HIV People
As an HIV-positive person, dating can be challenging as you want to find love, but maintain privacy about your status so you can live a happy and stress-free life with your prospective partner. You have to be as honest as possible about your medical condition and, as you know, talking about such a condition can be very challenging. Others may not fully understand what you’re going through, and you will need to disclose as much information as possible before engaging in any sexual activity. Thankfully, there are many dating apps available to alleviate the fears of HIV-positive people as they …
New Year, New Opportunities: Breakthroughs in HIV Research
HIV was first identified in the 1980s and has been a constant subject of research and debate. While there wasn’t much information available regarding this disease back then, we have a wealth of information readily available to us now, from when it began to how it causes illness in humans. Since its origination, over 700,000 people have lost their lives to this infection, and 1.7 million more have been infected by it. Global Impact of HIV The world took a significant hit when people became infected by HIV in 2019 alone. Approximately 38 million people worldwide live with HIV in their systems, …