Drinking Your Way to Bad Decisions
It should come as no surprise that this country has developed a close relationship with alcohol. Besides a brief period in the 1920s when prohibition was enforced, alcohol has been around and freely enjoyed for centuries. It was so important to us as a culture that even during the middle of prohibition when there were severe penalties for making and distributing alcohol, thousands of people around the country continued to do it and millions more continued to drink it in secrecy. Not many other things have quite this significant of an influence over people, which is likely why over 70% of all …
Dating With Disease: Having a Partner With Hepatitis
The thought of dating someone who has a disease might be extremely unnerving to some people. However, it is important to understand not all diseases are made equal. Even the many strains of a disease are far different from each other. For example, the different types of hepatitis vary greatly from each other in many ways. That is why individuals should take the time to educate themselves on the specifics of each type of hepatitis and what it means to date someone who has them. Here is an in-depth guide of everything you need to know about having a partner …