Become Aware
Why not think
before you sleep?
ThinkBeforeYouSleep.Com exists not to be a dampener on people’s fun, but rather raise awareness and educate young people on the importance of having fun, safely. We want you to live a longer, healthier life and have a lot of fun while doing it. This all starts with a conversation around sex, a conversation that begins with a question…
Does anyone actually enjoy or remember a night of drunk sex?
Now, it doesn’t take a Pulitzer Prize winning psychiatrist to accurately assume that Think Before You Sleep would answer no to this question. But, we aren’t you.
You have to ask yourself… is this worth it? Is a night of hot and spicy drunk sex worth the risk and the anxiety that is sure to follow in the morning?
Is the momentary confidence and pleasure worth what could potentially be a lifetime of regret?
Our answer is NO… what’s yours?