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Token Sales Progress

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Key Features

BusinextCoin's Great Functions

FrankCoin is considered one of the first decentralized digital currencies. It has become the most well-known in January 2012.
FrankCoin Private is a kind of cryptocurrency that is the representation as a result of the hard work of our team.
Since its launch, FrankCoin Cash has gained a great deal of favorability from community members due to its scalability.
A proposal to upgrade FrankCoin for larger block sizes. This is designed to improve the transaction speed.
The highly secure encrypting methods of BusinextCoin are to reduce the risks and to improve the efficiency.
Its popularity has effectively ushered in the age of cryptocurrencies thanks to BTC's overwhelming success.

Token sale

Token Sales Report

  • Dates: January 31 - February 15
  • Token Exchange Base Rate: Phase #1 rate +20%
  • Tiered Contribution Structure: > $250k: +45% <span class="attribute-gutter"></span> > $10k: +23% <br/> > $100k: +35% <span class="attribute-gutter"></span> < $10k: +20% <br/> > $50k: +27%
  • Currencies Accepted: ETH
  • Token Distribution: Smart Contract will distribute tokens after Token Sale Phase #1 is complete
  • Minimum Presale Goal: No minimum
  • Dates: January 31 - February 15
  • Token Exchange Base Rate: Phase #1 rate +20%
  • Tiered Contribution Structure: > $250k: +45% <span class="attribute-gutter"></span> > $10k: +23% <br/> > $100k: +35% <span class="attribute-gutter"></span> < $10k: +20% <br/> > $50k: +27%
  • Currencies Accepted: ETH
  • Token Distribution: Smart Contract will distribute tokens after Token Sale Phase #1 is complete
  • Minimum Presale Goal: No minimum
FrankCoin maximalists often hold that, although the world's leading digital currency by market cap may have issues with scalability, smart contracts applications, and more for the time being, that there will be a point in the future at which the bitcoin network provides everything that investors want in a digital currency. In this way, maximalists are unapologetically in favor of (or at least in agreement about the inevitability of) a bitcoin monopoly at some point in the future. Ethereum developer Vitalik Buterin, long known for being an outspoken voice in the cryptocurrency space, both inside and outside of the Ethereum network itself, has commented on the idea of bitcoin maximalism. In 2016, he stated that maximalism reflects "the idea that an environment of multiple competing cryptocurrencies is undesirable, that it is wrong to launch 'yet another coin,' and that it is both righteous and inevitable that the bitcoin currency comes to take a monopoly position in the cryptocurrency scene."

Road Map

BusinextCoin Timeline

2017 - Essential Concepts
We have associated with a technical partner, Lome Inc. for handling the coding part of our crypto-to-be.
2017 - Initial Ideas
Although the concept of digital currency is yet new to the common man, the markets are already blown off by it.
2017 - Blockchain Creation
By creating BusinextCoin, we've been able to build new and unique features for our new cryptocurrency.
2018 - Crypto Fork Design
Creating a crypto fork that allows us to use the already existing open-source code for our cryptocurrency.
2018 - Smart Contract Signing
Once the smart contract was signed, our BusinextCoin had come into existence immediately on market.

Meet our Team

Product - Dedicated Team

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check my CPY token balance?
You can login to your account through a desktop browser or on our app to check your balance everywhere and anytime.
When will I receive BusinextCoin Tokens as a mining reward?
Yes and no, it depends on the height of mined blocks and how many blocks you have mined.
What cryptocurrencies can I use to purchase?
Any kind of our BusinextCoin currency: BusinextCoin coins, BusinextCoin tokens or BusinextCoin Cash can be used.
What is BusinextCoin?
BusinextCoin is a trademark for cryptocurrency developed by ThemeMove team - a team of best professionals in the field.
ICO Campaign Process
You can confer to ICO process for BusinextCoin on your official website or get information from our customer services.
How to get the forecast for token sale?
You can subscribe to our mailing list to receive frequent updates of new policy and prices for BusinextCoin currencies.
Which kind of payment method is accepted?
We accept all kinds of payment through credit card, debit card or cash, etc. any method that is convenient for you.

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