• Are you aware of the hazards of HIV?
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What's Your Story

If you believe in our mission here at Think Before You Sleep, we would love for you to get involved. The best way for you to do this is by sharing your story (and don’t worry, this can be 100% anonymous). How have you or the people you love been impacted by HIV? You having the courage to share your story will help countless others in their fight against HIV. Thank you, The TBYS Team.

Submit Your Story

You are not alone! Many people have gone through and are going through situations involving drug abuse and HIV. Share your story with us to let others know that the issues you faced and how you overcame it. Who knows – maybe your story will be inspiration to someone else!

    Or Upload Your Story

    Disclaimer: anonymous submission information will only be shared with relevant staff. It will also need to include content that non-anonymous submissions will be shared publicly.