Fort Worth Support for HIV & AIDS

The state of Texas is no stranger to the threat of HIV and AIDS. In fact, there are over 86,000 people living in the state of Texas that are currently suffering from HIV or AIDS, with the likelihood that thousands more are wandering around with the disease who do not even know it yet.
7 percent of these cases occur in the city of Fort Worth alone. Luckily, for anyone living in the Fort Worth area that does suffer from HIV or Aids, there are a variety of resources that are readily available to make living with these diseases more manageable.
LGBTQ Resources
Approximately two-thirds of the population suffering from HIV and AIDS are members of the LGBTQ population in Fort Worth and are in need of a lot of support. In the Fort Worth area, there are several different resources that these individuals can seek out in order to receive help dealing with their HIV or AIDS issues.
One of the most notable is the Health Education Learning Project (HELP). This organization has it’s LGBTQ Center, which offers a PREP program that provides preventative medicine at little to no cost, regardless of the individual’s insurance status. They also use their community mobilization and iPlay initiatives to help educate LGBTQ individuals on the dangers of HIV and AIDS, as well as effective ways to prevent them from spreading.
Pediatric Resources
Not everyone who contracts HIV or AIDS gets it from sex. It is also possible for a fetus to get the disease from their mother while in the womb, which is the reason why there is a small percentage of children in Fort Worth that suffer from these diseases.
Thankfully, the Cook Children’s Infectious Disease Clinic is available to help provide the pediatric resources needed for children suffering from HIV or AIDS. Not only can they provide confidential testing, but they can also administer clinical treatments to help deal with these diseases as well.
Homeless Resources
Not everyone who lives with HIV or AIDS have the financial resources to seek the proper help. Luckily, these individuals still have a few options available to them, one of which is the Tarrant County Samaritan House.
This organization specifically aims to help members of the homeless community get back on their feet and achieve independence. One of the ways in which they do this is through their various medical assistance, which include on-site nurses, HIV and AIDS case management, and transportation to and from proper medical facilities.

General Treatment Resources
For those individuals who already know they are HIV-positive, there are still several resources readily available for them in the Fort Worth area. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is one of the most prominent ones since it offers counseling, prevention education, confidential testing, as well as primary care and post-exposure prophylaxis services.
There is also the Tarrant County Public Health Preventive Medicine Clinic, which readily provides primary care, clinical treatment for HIV and AIDS, as well as case management services
Not everyone who lives with HIV or AIDS have the financial resources to seek the proper help. Luckily, these individuals still have a few options available to them, one of which is the Tarrant County Samaritan House.
General Testing Resources
A good piece of news for those who think that they might be infected with HIV or Aids in the Fort Worth area is that there is no shortage of places to get testing done. Some of the better options throughout the Fort Worth area are the AIDS Outreach Center, Collins Family Planning Clinic, MHMR of Tarrant County, and Think Before You Sleep.
The AIDS Outreach Center allows individuals to get access to anonymous HIV testing, prevention education, and case management for HIV and AIDS. In order to receive HIV testing for HIV prevention education, the residents of the Fort Worth and surrounding area can visit the Collins Family Planning Clinic. At the MHMR of Tarrant County, patients get access to prevention education, anonymous and confidential HIV testing, and case management for AIDS and HIV-positive individuals.
To make it easier to find one of these great places in Fort Worth or the surrounding areas, individuals can simply use Think Before You Sleep to find the place closest to them where they can receive counseling, resources, and education. This will help make it as easy as possible to get tested, meaning that fewer people will have to wander the streets not knowing they are HIV-positive and actively spreading the disease.
To get assistance with your HIV or AIDS needs, visit Think Before You Sleep and get tested today.